Ensure Fool-Proof Security Coverage for your business network with iSequre!
Cybercrime is predicted to cost companies $6 trillion worldwide this year! What's more alarming is 40% of those victims are small to medium businesses (SMBs).
Several technology pundits think small businesses are being targeted because they often have more lax security standards than their enterprise counterparts. Hackers believe that SMBs are vulnerable because they don't have the knowledge or expertise to know what's happening inside their own network. This perceived vulnerability of SMBs puts your business at greater risk of becoming the victim of malicious cyber attacks and breaches.
Most security breaches for SMBs occur from inside the company, behind the firewall, from accidental configurations and unintentional employee misuse of the computer network!
Our service offers a bullet-proof 360° security solution, built for your business and tailored around your individual security needs. We will review your current security policies, work hand-in-hand with you to optimize them (or create a set if they don't already exist), and then install cybersecurity software that scans and detects internal as well as external vulnerabilities.
Request a demonstration, today!